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Is There a Less Expensive Option for Dental Implants?

Dental implants are now one of the most frequently used treatment options by dentists in the field of oral and dental health. Dental implants are often preferred because they provide a natural appearance, do not cause any problems, make you feel comfortable while talking and eating, are easy to care for, and are long-lasting.

In the clinic you go to, other options may be offered instead of implants. These choices can be shown as less painless, cheaper, and better. But with today’s technology, the most ideal solution for your teeth implants. You can use implants as easily as your own teeth. If you take care of it, you can use it for a lifetime.

However, it is extremely common for individuals to have reservations about dental implants before undergoing therapy. One of our patients’ concerns before undergoing dental implant surgery is whether or not the gums would develop around the implants. In the next section of this post, we’ll try to address the issue “Do gums develop around implants?” as well as other relevant questions.


Is It Possible For Gums To Regress Around Dental Implants?

You may have noticed that the gums surrounding other people’s teeth are receding. In this scenario, you may wonder if your gums may recede around your dental implants. Yes, the gums can recede around dental implants in some situations. Gum recessions that you may encounter with a dental implant will be comparable to recessions in your natural teeth.

This is one of the most common problems that dentists experience during dental implant procedures. Asymmetry in the gum tissue, inflammation surrounding the dental implant, and discomfort are all common complaints among patients suffering from similar problems.

Why Do The Gums Around Dental Implants Recede?

This condition can arise as a result of bone and gum tissue recession following dental implant therapy for a variety of causes. Gum recession is caused by systemic diseases such as poor oral hygiene, smoking, diabetes, and the fact that our patients do not have regular dental follow-up.

What Additional Factors Contribute To Gum Recession?

As previously stated, gum recession is a process that occurs in both natural and implanted teeth. Gum recession can also be caused by a hereditary condition, heavy cigarette use, teeth grinding and squeezing, and inadequate or neglected dental hygiene.

We give you the required guidance while precisely monitoring the whole surgical intervention procedure to ensure that you do not have problems like gum recession around the implants.

Is It True That Gums Develop Around Implants?

Another issue you could have before getting dental implants is whether or not gums develop around them. Yes, this is one of the issues that might arise. We generally use a therapeutic component or a temporary crown on your implant to prevent this issue. The goal of this treatment is to keep your gum tissues from developing around your dental implant.

Is It Possible To Shape The Gums Around Dental Implants?

We can also do gum contouring around the implant crown as part of your dental implant therapy. This treatment helps your gums to develop and adopt the form of your natural teeth around the dental implant. As a result, we want to avoid any cosmetic issues that may arise after the treatment time.

Gum Disease In The Vicinity Of The Dental Implant

Gum disorders around the dental implant may develop throughout the post-treatment period. The region where we place your dental implants is covered by gums, much like your natural teeth. However, while the progression of gum diseases that might affect normal teeth and dental implants is comparable, gum tissues in natural teeth and dental implants are not the same. The tissues around your natural teeth are better in terms of bleeding than the peri-implant tissues, which means the tissues around the dental implant are weaker and more susceptible to gum disease.

Peri-implantitis is the inflammation of the tissue around your dental implant. The inflammation begins in the gum tissue and, if left untreated, can result in the bone around the dental implant dissolving. Such inflammations can be treated using lasers or other therapies that can be used to get rid of the inflammation around the dental implant. Following the placement of dental implants, it is critical to maintaining good oral hygiene.


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